Sunday, April 10, 2011

Stupid Republicans.

What the hell is wrong with you Republicans?

Why do you people refuse to listen. For months now we have been telling you how much smarter we are than you, do you listen no!
Have you not seen the Liberal blogs and Democrat articles, they are filled with multi syllable words that clearly demonstrate how much smarter we are than you and yet you keep on voting Conservative Republicans.

We have been telling you for at least 2 decades that we need more tax dollars for schools. Did you listen to us? No while we were pouring billions into schools, watching the drop out rates increase, test scores decrease and teacher compensation skyrocket what did you people do? You ran around complaining about kids who were dropping out and winding up in prison or pregnant. You didnt even bother to thank us for creating generations of people who are to stupid to even vote.

Did you listen when Nancy Pelosi told you for every dollar we put into unemployment two goes into the economy? No you went right on trying to get people jobs. If you were paying attention you would have worked to lay off the entire country and we would have a booming economy now.

Did you listen when we told you the best way to curb spending is to spend more? No you actually try to cut spending and save money, what the hell is wrong with you people.

When Warren Buffet told you the rich need to pay more taxes and his secretary pays a higher percentage in taxes than he does what did you do. You went and told him to give his secretary a raise and to feel free to pay more taxes. What kind of illogical insanity is that? If he had just laid her off she would probably be rich by now and paying more taxes.

When we pointed put GE didnt pay any corporate taxes what did you guys do? Ill tell you what you did, nothing. Democrats took the reigns and had the President put him in charge of the economy. Now thats progress.

When we told you it was wrong to have a drop out as Milwaukee County Executive, the rich need to pay more taxes and you Republicans cant play by your own laws what did you do? You ran a candidate who graduated from college, pays his taxes and has had no legal trouble. How are people supposed to learn from that?
We are showing you the error of how bad electing Walker was by electing Chris Abele who dropped out of 3 colleges, is rich, dont pay taxes and avoided his OWI court date for 7 and a half years.
To show you how bad the choice of Walker was we are going to run Milwaukee right into the toilet so you guys can see how bad your choices are.

Now please start listening or we'll sue every last one of you


  1. The average teacher salary in this country is $36,000. That is quite a bit to teach your children. Republicans claim they do not want wealthy people paying more taxes than lower class individuals. Warren Buffet is very wealthy. When you pose a question, use a question mark to close the sentence. Also, the word is too - not to. Imagine if you had had a quality teacher?

  2. Well that shows what 12 years in public education with "quality teachers gets you"

    Nice try on using the country's average teacher salary, how about using Wisconsin's _ "Teaching salaries in Wisconsin have increased since 2007. For example, the average teacher salary in Wisconsin in 2009 was $48,743, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics" That is salary without benefits and does not include 2010 increases. With the negotiated increase being about 3% that would bring the average to just over 50K. Which of course does not include benefits

  3. I do agree if they think trump can win!!!
