Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taco Bell – "Thank you for suing us"

What we need is a judge with some backbone to hold the ambulance chasers accountable. A huge fine and  damages in favor of the plaintiff to put these kinds of frivolous lawsuits to rest once and for all. Anybody with half a brain can see what this is about. Publicity and Lawyers fees and nothing else. The lawyers get the money and the taxpayer gets the bill for the abuse of the court system.

Here it is from CNN.

We've Hit 1000 Page Views

WOW! 1000 + views in 24 days. Maybe it's the 5 of us checking up 200 times in the in the past 3 weeks. Or maybe there are few of you out there checking in occasionally. Either way thanks for checking us out.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dear Mr Reif (Janesville school district teacher)

Mr Reif, you say Janesville economy is on the “upswing”. Let’s examine the FACTs from the US department of labor, Bureau of labor statistics (here is the link so you can see for yourself ( The average annual unemployment rate between 2000-2008 was 5.58% with 2008 being the highest at 6.1%. Since then Janesville has reached as high as 13.2%, the most current month (Nov 2010) is predicted at 9.4%, the year previous to that (Nov 2009) 11.4% (current state avg 7.5%). So YES the economy is on the upswing, HOWEVER Janesville has NOT recovered. NOW is not the time to talk about more spending, NOW is the time to learn from our mistakes, make GOOD decisions with the current budget. I wish we could afford all the best things in life for our children, but the obvious truth is WE CAN NOT. Time to make very tough decisions on NEEDS AND WANTS. Keep the “needs”, reduce/ cut the “wants”. Very basic financial and life skills I have been teaching my daughter for 17 years.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Residents: Raise our taxes

You see this one from the Gazette?

Check out this guy: Jim Reif, a teacher who was on the teacher's side of the bargaining table, challenged that idea. He said teachers agreed to smaller pay increases than the average increase statewide.
"We're doing our part," Reif said.
Reif said if the board had taxed to the maximum allowed by law in recent years, it wouldn't be in the financial straits it finds itself now.
Perhaps taxpayers needed a "breather," Reif said, but now the economy is on the upswing.
"Time to go to the people and say, 'maybe we need a little more from you,'" Reif said.

Wow! He has some balls. Not sure where you are at but I have not personally seen anything form this "upswing" he's talking about. The people have no more to give.

I am nominating him for next weeks Douche bag of the week.

Here's the whole thing from

Legislature Passes $67 Million Tax Cut Measure

My question is this.... How do they know it will cost $67 Million dollars? I wish they would have put a provision in it with some sort of wage necessary to receive the tax cut say $15.00 an hour minimum. Give Gov. Walker some credit for doing something. I hope it works.

Here's the link from channel3000.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Douche Bag of the Week

 Douche Bag of the Week will be a new feature on The Grove. Please feel free to send nominations to  our first winner is Dennis Kucinich.


Rep. Dennis Kucinich sues cafeteria over olive pit in sandwich

 $150,000.00??? He should be ashamed of himself.  What do you expect from  a liberal, vegan douche bag. This is exactly what is wrong with our legal system. Screw you DOUCHE BAG!

Here's the story from

Here's a Working Link to the Petition Against 4k

Click here.

Thanks to chasin for putting it out there. Sign it then tell your friends.

Medicare Actuary Doubts Health Care Law Will Hold Down Costs

and the truth comes out......
You may not be able to keep the insurance you already have either.

Here's the link from Fox News.

Responsible government starts with the communites

The biggest argument /perception against 4k is: it's a community funded day care that the tax payer’s do not wish fund. Studies on statewide (Michigan, Oklahoma, New Jersey, Arkansas, and New Mexico) funded 4k shows that the demographic that benefitted the most are students that come from low-income families. While I think it is important to provide a good education for our community, there is only so much money to go around and the people who are not low-income should not be forced to pay for everything for everybody. Our state currently ranks 41st among state government debt, (meaning only 9 other states have more debt than us) of the states in the studies I mentioned previously with the exception of Arkansas (20th) all rank 33rd and higher with New jersey being the worst at 46th. We do not need to follow poor government spending choices made by those states, (among other choices) and it all starts with the communities and what WE are doing with OUR money, if a large amount of the communities support or do not support certain programs the state will follow (for the most part). The last election showed what the results are if the current government basically tells the public “I know what’s best for you, just be quite and take your medicine”. We kindly served them with a pink slip.

The average home value in our community went DOWN this year, and our school tax went UP, doesn’t make economical sense. In a perfect world we could afford everything for everyone. BUT we are not in a perfect world; we must live within our means. Bottom line is we cannot spend money we do not have.

An open note to Chasin:

We will be happy to sign any petition against 4k.

We are currently asking the School Board for a detailed copy of the 4k funding estimates.
For them to believe that state funding is going to resemble anything like today they are out of their minds. More fuzzy math.

Stay tuned for updates.....