Wednesday, January 19, 2011

School / Teacher Reform: Ideas from Around the Blogsphere

Change the way we evaluate Teachers Performance:

1. The principal should visit the teacher's classroom, at random, at least four times a year.
2. There should "peer" evaluations twice a year by fellow teachers.
3. Students should fill out a teacher evaluation form at the end of the school year or semester. These should be anonymous to protect the student.
4. The teacher should complete a self evaluation form.
5. Some small measure be given to test score improvement.

All of the above should be given a weighting factor and then the evaluators (at least two) would grade the teacher.

Change the way we do business:

1.Reinstatement of the QEO tied to revenue caps.
2.Remove health insurance carrier from collective bargaining.
3.Have employees pay their share of retirement benefits.
4.Allow the board to pay for performance, not for birthdays.
5.Eliminate "tenure or seniority" in elementary schools.
5.Allow school boards to provide service for state and federal mandates at the level they are funded.
6.Remove all caps on virtual schools.
7.Allow vouchers for any parent that wants to enroll their child in a non-public school.
8. NO 4k. 4 year old's do not belong in school.

Our children and property owners can no longer afford business as usual. It is time for some drastic changes from the top down.

Ideas? Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I think they will be removing the caps on virtual schools with the next year or two. Especially with Scott Walker in office. The writing is on the chalk board, he wants to cut money to public schools.

    I know the schools, at least at T.R.I.S., they do have peer mentors, more experienced teachers working with the younger, newer teachers.
