Tuesday, January 11, 2011

From the Observer: Oscar Meyer workers win worktime lawsuit

What a crock of shit. We all have to wear clothes to work. Now they get paid to put their work clothes on?


  1. why is this a crock of shit? If they are required to be there in time to put on these cloths, they should be paid for it.

    In high school my sister worked for Hardee's and they demanded that employees be there 15 minutes before their scheduled shift but would not allow them to clock in before 4 minutes before their shift started. That is illegal. She reported them to the state, and they were cited for it.

    I do not see where it says in the article, but it sounds like these uniforms were kept at the plant.

  2. This is exactly why companies move their production overseas. I have a dress code I have to wear to work. It is also part of the job. I do not however expect to get paid to get dressed. Most of us are expected to show up to work on time and ready to work. Yet these crybaby union workers have to get paid to to be ready for work.
