Tuesday, January 11, 2011

ObamaCare's Reality Deficit If you believe that a new entitlement saves money, you'll believe anything.

Click Here: from the Wall Street Journal.

Interesting piece from the WSJ. I love the headline, make sure to check out the "fuzzy" math the CBO used. I believe as the Republicans ran on it that they must vote to repeal even if it has no chance to get by the Senate or the Presidents veto pen.


  1. Really do you like wasting money? This is not what tax payers are concerned about at this time , its j.o.b.s. ..

    It is funny those with , do not care for those who don't.

  2. Anon,

    Wasting money? Did you read the article? Taxpayers are not concerned about health care? Hmmm. It was a large reason we saw a historic election two short months ago. Obama care and the deficit are two of the big reasons business is not hiring. Uncertainty kills jobs.

    Those with do not care for those who don't? What a crock of shit. Thank God there are "those with". or "those who don't" really wouldn't.

    Quit feeling sorry for yourself. Obama has your back, your health care and 3 years of unemployment for you.

  3. I for one have been continuously employed since I left college.

    I am very fortunate. How ever this last election people made it very clear it's about jobs. They want jobs.

    It was pure frustration by people showing it, saying the health care should of been put on the back burner jobs should have come first.

    It will be very expensive to repeal it, and they are not going to be able to . It is a huge waste of time and money by our republicans, who should once again should be focusing on the economy and jobs.
