Friday, February 11, 2011

WEAC head decries Walker plan

You think?

Tell me how this hurts our families and our children. It doesn't! Mary Bell is worried about one thing...... Her six figure salary.

Here's the link from The Gazette


  1. Very disappointed in your comment on the Gazette. How do you think this does not effect our children?

    Teacher's may not make a lot but the couple things they do have, insurance and retirement he is going after both. This will in turn have good , solid, quality teachers leaving.

    This effects the teachers unions as well.

  2. People are acting like all these union employees are going to be taking a 50% pay cut.

    They will be paying 5% PRETAX of the pension cost toward their retirement.

    They will be paying 12% PRETAX of the cost of their insurance.

    They are not taking a 17% cut in pay.

    Of course it effects teachers unions. That in my book may be the best part of this. Where are the "good, solid" teachers going to go? They can now stand on their own merits. Something until the writing was on the wall the unions would never agree to.
