Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wisconsin Democrats Lose Their Minds

In an effort to prove they wont be out hypocrited by anyone Wisconsin Democrats have done a 180 and are now endorsing candidates and actions that only a few weeks ago they were condemning.

In Milwaukee Democrats are backing Milwaukee County Executive candidate Chris Abele. Abele is a triple threat, hes a college drop out, is a wealthy business man who is being sued by the IRS for not paying taxes and somehow manged to avoid a court date for 7 and a half years on a DWI charge.
In a massive show of hypocritical action Dems are backing Abele after slamming Scott walker (who formerly held the Exec. position) for dropping out of college and after saying the rich should pay more taxes. Somehow backing a guy who dropped out and didnt pay taxes doesnt even matter nor seem to bother democrats no matter how contrary it runs to their previous statements.
In another bizarre twist after constantly beating up George Bush over going to war and spending trillions they are now backing Barrack Obama's war in Libya. This is the same guy we were told was going to be getting us out of wars not into new ones. This war may be an illegal action by our President but I have actually been told its not a war its a "limited" engagement. I wonder how limited the Libyan's feel those bombs are.Just another display of hypocritical partisanship. By the way how is that whole getting us out of Iraq thing working out.
Then there is Joanne Klopenberg who is running for the Supreme Court against sitting justice David Prosser. You may remember a few years ago (2009) in the Gabeleman race an attack ad by a 3rd party against sitting justice Louis Butler. The ad assisted in Gabelman narrowly defeating Butler the first time a sitting justice had been unseated in Wisconsin in 41 years.
Its not hyperbolic to say Democrats flipped out over the 3rd party ad. We were told in no uncertain terms how unfair it was 3rd party influence was determining judicial races, how partisanship was going to ruin the state etc. Well now the Democrats are running an attack ad against David Prosser claiming he let a pedophile priest off the hook. The ad is a falsehood and the victim in the case stated "If I still lived in Wisconsin I would vote for Justice Prosser and asked tge Klopenberg campaign to have the ad removed. Joanne Klopenberg refused to have it removed but tellingly did not even bother to deny it was promoting a falsehood.
To further advance the hypocritical nature of the party after claiming partisanship deserves no place on the court they run Klopenberg who didnt even bother to deny her activist leanings instead saying I wont let my personal views cloud my judgments. I guess we all know none of us let our personal views influence our decisions, are we supposed to seriously believe that?
Democrats are all over Prosser claiming hes a Walker rubber stamp but after 12 years on the bench the best they could come up with is the fake attack ad. Even the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal a left leaning newspaper endorsed Prosser over Klopenberg.
Its increasingly apparent Democrats dont care at all about the truth they want Klopenberg on the court for one reason only and that is they believe she will rule against Republican policy. She's not qualified to serve as a justice, shes never been a judge in any capacity, no not in any capacity, not even ruling on traffic tickets, shes been turned down for judicial appointments by both Jim Doyle and Barrack Obama but now we are to believe she is somehow worthy of serving on our highest court.

Many Democrats in this state and in particular the leadership feel its no big deal to ignore election results, flee from your duty if you dont like the agenda and sue your way to the policy you want. That is ok get rid of legally elected representatives with recalls just because you dont like a vote. I for one am sick of it. They want to believe November was some kind of aberration and those who voted to elect Republicans are blind morons who have no idea what is going on in this state. Im tired of being told by the left how intelligent and enlightened they are and how simple we are. That if we just followed their lead everything would be better. Democrats had their chance in this state and what do we have to show for it? Massive taxes, raided funds, failing schools, out of control spending and unions telling representatives what to do.

Lets end the hypocrisy vote Jeff Stone and David Prosser. Support our Republican representatives and Governor Walker.

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